DuPage Coroner Richard Jorgensen, M.D., operating Coroner's Office and prepared for pandemic

Thought local morgues and funeral homes haven’t been overwhelmed so far by COVID-19 deaths, DuPage County Coroner Richard Jorgensen, M.D., is prepared to help them out. Dr. Jorgensen recently appeared on Naperville Community Television (NCTV17) to discuss his office’s response to the pandemic, their continuation of service throughout the crisis, and his impressions of the overall response of the government and public.

Link to original source: https://www.nctv17.com/news/mobile-morgue-at-coroners-office-for-covid-crisis/


Dr. Jorgensen on PBS News Hour to discuss the Opioid Epidemic


DuPage County Coroner Richard Jorgensen Appears on WTTW Chicago